On Thursday 26th January from 11:OO to 12:30 (CET), BUILD UP welcomes the SunHorizon, HAPPENING, MiniStor and ComBioTES projects in the first BUILD UP organised and hosted webinar of 2023. The event is organised under the January 2023 Topic of the Month “Renewable heating solutions for buildings”.
In a nutshell, the webinar presents two projects that explore technological solutions for heating/cooling coupled with renewables (SunHorizon and HAPPENING) and two projects that explore aspects of energy/thermal energy storage (MiniStor and ComBioTES).
The Q&A and discussion session will provide an opportunity for the audience to ask questions and for the projects/speakers to explore interesting commonalities between the projects (e.g., their technologies, themes, challenges, outcomes, and more), lessons learned, and future exploitation opportunities for the outcomes of the projects.
10:00 – 10:02: Brief introduction to BUILD UP
10:02 – 10:05: Introduction to webinar topic and agenda
10:05 – 10:20: Project #1: SunHorizon
- Serena Scotton, Rina consulting
- Andrea Gabaldon, Moreno CARTIF
Serena Scotton introduces the SunHorizon project, by providing some general information on its vision, lessons learnt and objectives of it. Then, Andrea Gabaldon showcases some preliminary results from D6.5 “Second Report on SunHorizon monitoring activities”, published in December 2022. In general, the D6.5 conducts a review of monitoring data production, collection and operation summary reports of the SunHorizon installed Technology Packages (TPs) in the cases of Madrid and Sant Cugat (Spain), and Riga – Sunisi and Riga – Imanta (Latvia). Plus, it reports monitoring and operation summaries. The document shows the operation summary of the demos over the past months (summer period) and detects ways to improve the data collection and control of the TPs.
10:20 – 10:35: Project #2 HAPPENING
- Jon Iturralde Iñarga, Tecnalia
10:35 – 10:50: Project #3 MiniStor
- Carlos Ochoa, IERC
- Georgios Martinopoulos, CERTH
10:50 – 11:05: Project #4: ComBioTES
- Arnaud Bruch, CEA
- Eleonora Alamaro, AMIRES
11:05 – 11:25: Q&A / Discussion with project presenters
Option for audience to post questions. This is followed by a discussion with questions by the Editorial Board and the projects.
11:25 – 11:30: Conclusions
Please, you can find more information and register here.