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November 2021

TECHNICAL VISIT IN SANT CUGAT 1024 768 SunHorizon Project


On the 17th of November 2021, VEOLIA, CARTIF, CNR ITAE met at the Mira Sol civic center in Sant Cugat (Spain) where the SunHorizon demo manager, Gerard Riba (AJSCV) showcased the technologies installed in the technical room, inside the facility,…

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Technical visit in the Madrid demo site 1024 472 SunHorizon Project

Technical visit in the Madrid demo site

On the 17th of November 2021, VEOLIA, CARTIF, and CNR ITAE met in the Madrid demo site, for a special visit of the social housing building, guided by the demo manager Diego Romera (EMVS). The partners controlled the installation of…

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