This event is organised in the framework of the REWARDHeat project, as an opportunity to gather with heat pump stakeholders and share knowledge about the heat pump role in the selected EU projects.
REWARDHeat project is the organizer and aims to demonstrate a new generation of low-temperature district heating and cooling networks, which will be able to recover renewable and waste heat, available at low temperature. These networks will be able to increase production and distribution efficiency by recovering, renewable and waste heat available at low temperature.
The other two EU projects (SunHorizon and ETIP-RHC) are invited to present their perspective and approach in R&I about heat pump application.
The European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC-Platform) brings together stakeholders from the biomass, geothermal, solar thermal and heat pump sectors to define a common strategy for increasing the use of renewable energy technologies for heating and cooling.
Meanwhile, SunHorizon aims at deploying sun-coupled innovative heat pump in the residential and tertiary sector, thus supporting the decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector.
Join us in this event to know more about the projects’ development and how innovative heat pumps are deployed in different sectors.
This event will take place on October 6th and it’s a free virtual event. In your registration, you can select the virtual ticket.
– 10:00 Welcome Speech by Dan Stefanica (EHPA)
– 10:20 REWARDHeat project presentation:
10:20 – 10:35 Project overview provided by Roberto Fedrizzi (EURAC)
10:35 – 10:50 Presentation of the Heat Pump role in REWARDHeat by Helen Carlstrom (E.On)
– 10:50 SunHorizon project presentation by Federica Fuligni (RINA spa)
– 11:05 SecRHC project presentation by Sabine Putz (SOLID Solar)
– 11:20 Panel discussion (Moderation by Roberto Fedrizzi, EURAC)
– 11:40 – 11:45 End of the event and next project events by Dan Stefanica (EHPA)