On the 23rd and 24th of March 2022, SunHorizon consortium met in a hybrid way, both in Sant Cugat Municipality and online, for the M42 General Assembly, kindly hosted by our partner Ajuntament de Sant Cugat in Spain.

On this occasion, the partners had the opportunity to present what has been implemented over the previous years of the project and what are the next steps to be taken. In particular, the Assembly has been divided as follows. The first day was dedicated to each of the Work Packages (WPs), with the exception of WP6, which presented the next day with each demo site. The latter provided an update on the status of the project and subsequent phases, including changes, risks and uncertainties (if any).
On the first day, each WP representative provided an update on the status of the WP and deliverables, as well as the next steps. In particular, more emphasis was placed on the SunHorizon control platform to be integrated into the demos, in the feasibility studies and business models, and on the presentation and interaction of simulation tools. For the latter topic, a workshop was organised for the demo leader on site and online. The results of the first day are encouraging. Indeed, three new deliverables were presented from September, and the management structure of the demonstration sites has been updated. The first day ended with a guided tour of the beautiful monastery of Sant Cugat del Valles.
The second day was dedicated to WP6 and demonstration sites. As demonstration sites were affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, particular attention was paid to them and their upcoming technical activities. The meeting ended with a visit to the demonstration site of Sant Cugat in Mirasol.
Below you can find some photos of the General Assembly M42.