“Ambition requires action: The Heat Pump Accelerator for RepowerEU” Heat Pump Forum 2022 puts heat pumps at the center of the green, digital, cost-effective energy transition and industrial transformation. Indeed, the European Commission’s REPowerEU plan builds on the ambitious heat pump targets it set out in March. Those targets require around 20 million heat pumps to be installed in the EU by 2026 and nearly 60 million by 2030.
Sustainable housing considers the design, construction, and operation of houses over their lifetime in three contexts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and social sustainability. In 2020, 7.4% of the EU population were unable to keep their home adequately warm. Among the EU Member States, this percentage ranged from 1.5 % in Austria to 27.5 % in Bulgaria. Indeed, expanding the use of heat pumps can play a vital role in the growth of sustainable housing in Europe.
In particular, this event will present two projects that are flagship examples of the work toward sustainable housing:
- Superhomes2030 is a ‘one stop shop’ deep retrofit service for domestic homes in Ireland. It aims to dramatically scale this service over 3 years, increasing completed retrofits from 100 houses in 2019 (€6M) to 500 houses in 2023 (€36M).
- SunHorizon aims at deploying sun-coupled innovative heat pumps in the residential and tertiary sectors, supporting the decarbonization of the heating and cooling sector.
More information is available here.
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