• June 5, 2020




Article written by David Cheze (CEA)

The SunHorizon activities carried out in T2.4 achieved preliminary conceptual design of the Technology Packages relying on dynamic TRNSYS simulation of the new heating system models, in small and large-scale, residential and tertiary, renovated or non-renovated envelopes buildings.

Especially, the table below is showing how the SunHorizon industrial partners sketched the combination of their solar panels, tanks, heat pump and controller technologies as TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4 to be deployed later on during “WP6 Demonstration” in the 8 demo sites across Europe (Germany, Spain, Belgium and Latvia). 

The overall 18 partners involved in the 8 demo case groups managed to work together and achieved agreement on preliminary hydraulic design and component sizing of the 4 new TPs integrated in demo site.

In parallel, the simulation partners developed the models for demo cases’ building, users’ consumption profiles, weather conditions thanks to inputs from “T2.1 Collection of demo site information” and “T6.1 Analysis of collected demo cases data for establishing demo case energy baseline”. These boundary conditions have been connected to the newly developed final assembly of the TPs’ models, including not only hydraulics but also the control of the new systems.

Thanks to the parametric simulation study performed on the components’ sizes, each group made decision about the preliminary concepts of TP integrated in the demo site currently recommended. The demo cases primary energy savings ranges from 24% in Verviers SwimmingPool to 76% in Madrid residential 9-apartments building and OPEX cost savings from 20.6% in San Lorenço residential single family house to 84.6% in Madrid again, the 20% target aimed for both criteria is achieved for the 8 demo cases.

Looking at the baseline of the 8 demo cases shows that the performance level in energy or economic saving is largely influenced by the reference building and heating system: some demo cases shows already energy efficiency performance level for the envelope or the heating system or both while others shows poor ones. In addition, looking at systems involving photovoltaic panels, the results emphasized the influence of considering different system boundaries when including the specific electricity consumption of the whole building or only the electricity consumed by the DHW/heating/cooling system.

A presentation of the results is planned in September 2020 at the Eurosun conference in Athens.

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