• December 22, 2021

Month 36: Ready for commissioning.

Month 36: Ready for commissioning.

Month 36: Ready for commissioning. 150 150 SunHorizon Project

Report from our 2nd review meeting with the European Commission.

Month 36 is critical in most H2020 projects; it’s usually the month by which things start to go “live”, solutions that took years to develop reach the first customers (or end-users, or demo sites, as we usually call them) and the Consortium have to face many unforeseen events. SunHorizon hasn’t been any different.

We started with great promises: creating 4 technology packages with 6 different technological components and commissioning them in 8 demo sites in 4 different EU countries, by September 2021.
Despite COVID-19 and consequent suppliers’ bankruptcy, raw material scarcity, certification requirements, and overloads of the logistic chain, we have managed to ship all the technologies to 3 of our 8 demo sites by September 2021. This is one of our Consortium’s greatest achievements.

Unfortunately, the work at the sites just starts from this point: little parts to be replaced, sensors which do not fit the requirements, missing devices, unstable internet connections. This is complete fieldwork, which our Consortium partners have dealt with incredibly. RTU (Riga Sunisi and Riga Imanta residential houses), VEOLIA (Sant Cugat “Mirasol Civic Centre”), EMVS (Madrid “Tres Peces 9”) will be able to commission their site in January next year!

For the others, just a few more months of hard work and site work…keep updated to know more!

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